Local Governance Committee


The governance of a multi-academy trust differs from those of maintained schools. The White Horse Federation (TWHF) believes that placing statutory responsibilities firmly at its centre, in the remit of the board of trustees, allows the Local Governance Committee (LGC) to focus on providing support, overcoming challenges in the delivery of educational excellence, and outstanding outcomes for all pupils.

There are direct channels of communication between the principal and the LGC chair and central services. The clerk to the board of trustees will hold contact details for all members of LGCs within TWHF. However, routine communication for day-to-day school business should come from the chair of that LGC, managed by the school or through an LGC clerk.

The principal and the chair of the LGC are responsible for ensuring the quality and timely distribution of all material needed to keep LGC members well-informed about the school and TWHF. The principal and the chair are also responsible for ensuring the views of the LGC have good lines of communication to the board of trustees. This can be done via the elected chair’s representative on the board of trustees. Senior executives from TWHF will be nominated by the CEO to attend any LGC.

The White Horse Federation has a very clear and shared understanding of what constitutes good and effective governance. Schools within TWHF will be judged to have outstanding governance when members of the LGC:

  • Talk about teaching and learning.
  • Know a great deal about the school and its community.
  • Are ambitious for the school and its community.
  • Ask questions which make colleagues reflect, and that these discussions lead to delivering the very best outcomes for every child and adult within the school community.
  • Maintain strong and effective relationships within TWHF.

For the shared model of governance to be effective for TWHF and the schools, it is essential that there is effective communication between the board of trustees, the LGCs, chairs groups, principals, the central team, and the executive leadership team.

Current Local Governance Committee

Name Role
Mrs Hannah Gordon Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Kim Sheppard Clerk
Kate Westbrook Chair of Governors, Co-Opted Governor, Safeguarding and Maths Link Governor
Mallory Britton Staff Governor (Teaching), Year 3 Teacher and Science Subject Lead
Joanne Ockwell Co-opted Governor, English/Reading/Phonics Link Governor
Chris Taylor Parent Governor

Meet our Local Governance Committee

Kate Westbrook - Chair of Governors

Thank you for taking the time to read the Local Governance Committee section of our website.

My name is Kate Westbrook and I am privileged to be the chair of the local governing body at Grange Juniors. I'm thrilled to be working with Mrs Gordon and the rest of the staff as we continue our school improvement journey. My two daughters came through Grange Juniors and have now left the school. When I'm not being a mum or a governor, I'm a partner in a local law firm. In addition to my responsibilities as chair, I am the Governor Champion for Safeguarding.

Our role as governors is to understand, challenge, support and encourage the school to be outstanding and to achieve its aim of delivering a high quality education to all children who attend Grange Junior School. We work within the scheme of delegation of the White Horse Federation as our responsibilities are delegated to us by them. We are here to support and encourage the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and all staff. We regularly review the schools' objectives, evaluate progress and provide challenge where necessary. We act as a 'critical friend' to strive to attain the highest standards and progress for all our children at Grange Junior School.

The governors meet six times a year in meetings of no more than 2 hours, where we question and challenge reports regarding the learning outcomes and progression of the entire school population. We test and support the school in achieving its ultimate aims and goals documented in the School Development Plan. We are committed to ensuring your children receive the best possible education available during the years ahead.

I am very lucky to lead a team of dedicated governors who work hard to share their expertise to guide the school forward. We are always looking to improve and develop - please do get in touch if you would like to become a school governor yourself.

If you would like to contact me for any reason, this can be arranged via the school office or you can email me at kwestbrook@grange-jun.swindon.sch.uk.

Joanne Ockwell - Parent Governor

I'm Jo Ockwell. I have two daughters, one who is grown up and another in Year 7 at Kingsdown. Both have attended both Grange schools. I am excited to work with the school as a governor as it continues to improve. Aside from being a mum, I work at the University of Oxford supporting students with disabilities and welfare concerns.

Chris Taylor - Parent Governor

My name is Chris Taylor, I have worked in a customer service environment for the last 2000 as a manager in varying roles for Next, GAP & now Amazon. I have 2 boys that attend Grange Juniors. I play rugby as do they. I am also a Youth Rugby Coach and a current Club Chairman for Supermarine RFC; both in voluntary roles. I think in this role I could bring a similar bias for action and keenness for development as I do in both my current roles.

Governor's Attendance Information

Updated: 02/10/2023 14 KB

Register of Interests 2022-23

Name Role Nature of Interest Date Interest Registered Date Interest Ceased Terms of Office

Kate Westbrook

Chair of Governors,

Co-Opted Governor,

Safeguarding and Maths Link Governor

Thrings LLP

Member of Law Society



01/03/23 - 28/02/2027

Mallory Britton

Staff Governor (Teaching)

TWHF Employee



31/10/2022 - 30/10/2026

Hannah Gordon

Principal & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

TWHF Employee




Joanne Ockwell Co-opted Governor

English/ Reading/ Phonics Link Governor
Employee of Somerville College, University of Oxford 01/09/2021 - 15/09/2021 - 31/08/2025
Simon Goodyear Co-opted Governor

Oodle Car Finance

JBR Capital





10/03/2022 - 30/11/2025
Chris Taylor Parent Governor - N/A - 26/09/2023 - 25/09/2026
Claire Terrell Staff Governor (Non-Teaching) TWHF Employee 01/10/2018 - 19/04/2023 - 18/04/2026
Kim Sheppard Clerk

TWHF Employee

Married to the Site Manager at Haydon Wick Primary School

LGC Clerk at Grange Junior School

LGC Clerk at Bowerhill Primary School










Previous Governors - resigned within the last 12 months

Sarah Sharpley - Resigned 24th March 2023 (Attendance 1/2)

Bonnie Wise - Resigned 24th March 2023 (Attendance 2/2)

Claire Terrell - Resigned 4th December 2023 (Attendance 1/1)

Simon Goodyear - Resigned 8th February 2024 (Attendance 0/2)

Governor Vacancies

We have two vacancies for a Co-opted Local Governor.

Governors Vacancies

Updated: 27/08/2023 730 KB

The White Horse Federation Governance Information

Click on the button below to access TWHF governance information, including:

  • Annual report
  • Annual audited accounts
  • Memorandum of association
  • Articles of association
  • Names of charity trustees and members
  • Funding agreement
  • Gender Pay Gap Report
  • Higher Paid Staff reports